Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Airport Starbucks

May 28, 2011
San Diego International Airport

7:00 AM flight to St. Louis from San Diego
A line of people down the corridor just trying to get some coffee.
And the little Asian lady wants to talk to me about my name.
Apparently Kara is her daughter's name. She thinks it is a very beautiful name. So even though I told her mine, unlike her daughters, was spelled with a C, I still recieved this.
That's almost my name. I can't be too mad.

Definitely not as mad as all the exhausted, under-caffeinated people behind me who were held up by this ridiculous conversation and might have missed their flights.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Someone Knows My Pain

Thanks to Glick for the link to this article:


I think this is an extremely rational justification for a decision.
It's nice to know that someone out there knows what I go through!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Sister, Sister

May 15, 2011
San Diego, CA

My sister is in town for the weekend, and went to go order a chai latte. I told her to give my name and see what happened.
Here is what happened:
Barista: Name?
Sister: Cara
Barista: Karen?
Sister: Cara
Barista: Oh okay.

He then proceeded to write "Kara" on the cup, give her the change, and say "Thanks Karen"

She is much more patient than I.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Iced Goodness

May 12, 2011
Van Nuys, CA

A beautiful, warm, sunny day in LA deserves a nice iced beverage to start the day right.
I hope Tara is having a great day.
That's not my name.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Not An Option

May 10, 2011
Hollywood, CA

This is not a name.
Let alone my name.
Please find me some one with this name.
I dare you.

Reading is Harder than Listening

The following phone conversation just took place at my office. This is not at all an exaggeration of what just happened.

Me: This is Cara
Her: Hi this is... wait, how do you pronounce your name?
Me: Cara
Her: Oh! I was trying to decide how to pronounce it.
Me: What were you deciding between?
Her: I didn't know if it was Cara or Sara
Me: Why would it be Sara if it starts with a "C"?
Her: I don't know. Some people are just crazy.

You ma'am. YOU are just crazy.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Monday Afternoon Pick Me Up

May 9, 2011
San Diego, CA

Trying to stay awake on a gloomy Monday afternoon. That's not my name.